Lasting Power of Attorney (for either Property & Finance or Health & Welfare) - £225
Property & Finance and Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney made at the same time - £400
Couples making Lasting Power of Attorneys for both Property & Finance and Health & Welfare at the same time - £750
In addition to the above fees there are Court Registration Fees to pay of £82 for each Power of Attorney that is being registered. However there are exemptions or remissions if you qualify.
Single straight forward Will - £160
The following charges are per couple and not per Will:-
Straight forward Couple Will that provides for themselves and their own children or grandchildren - £250 *
A more complex Couple Will that may also benefit children or grand-children from a previous marriage or relationship - £300 *
Property Trust Will for couples or co-owners - £500 *
Some additional provisions that may incur an extra charge:-
Specifically exclude a named family member due to poor relations
Second properties or overseas property
Businesses or shares in businesses
Permitting a named person to reside in the property after your death
Vulnerable person - consideration of your ability to make a Will due to physical or mental challenges to the extent the Will appointment exceeds one hour or a more complex Will with multiple or vulnerable beneficiaries
Additional charges to be advised at the time of taking the instructions
* Plus £7 disbursement to obtain a summary of the Land Registry
FREE home visits within a ten mile radius of Queniborough.
All work usually incurs two visits.
Additional miles over our 10 mile radius are charged at 45p per mile.
Over 30 mile radius of Queniborough - to be advised.
We do not add VAT onto our costs as we do not meet the VAT threshold. We regularly compare our fees so we can provide a great service at an affordable price.
We accept the following payment methods:-
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Registered in England under No. OC442911 Registered with ICO under No. ZB346265