If you were to have an accident, dementia or other debilitating health condition this could seriously affect your ability to make your own decisions. Handling your affairs is likely to become extremely difficult.
When in place, if the worst does happen, it will mean that your affairs will be handled by those you have appointed, easing the burden on your loved ones. It is wrongly assumed that your spouse or other family members will have the "automatic" legal authority to make decisions for you and by not planning ahead you take the risk that decisions about you may be decided by people you don't know. If you lose mental capacity and don't have a valid LPA in place then it's too late to make one. Your family or those responsible for your care are now in a position where they need to obtain a Court Of Protection Order to give them the legal authority they need to deal with your affairs and this process can be stressful, expensive and time consuming.
Allows your Attorneys to deal with such things as speaking to your utility providers, paying your bills, managing your bank accounts and investments and selling your property if necessary.
Allows your Attorneys to make decisions about these matters if you are incapable of making them for yourself. You might also like to give them permission to make decisions about life sustaining treatments, should the need arise.
We offer daytime or evening appointments seven days a week at your home where we will listen to your circumstances and discuss the options available to you in plain English.
To find out more contact us.
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